A study of bicycle self-stability
Obviously, there is more than meets the eye to bicycle self-stability. Early pioneers such as Klein and Sommerfield made unprecedented progress in the field, and this last round of experimentation just proves that science continues to progress and provide us with answers to what seem to be unanswerable questions, or at least those questions with partial answers. The work of Klein and Sommerfield and Jones was not negated by this experiment, but rather it was strengthened as part of a cohesive whole.
Kooijman, J. D. G., et al. “A bicycle can be self-stable without gyroscopic or caster effects.” Science Magazine (2011): 339-342.
Ruina, Andy. TMS Bicycle. 15 April 2011. 20 April 2011 <http://ruina.tam.cornell.edu/research/topics/bicycle_mechanics/stablebicycle/index.htm>
Steele, Bill. Cornell University Chronicle Online. 14 April 2011. 20 April 2011 <http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/April11/bicycle.html>.